
Procurement in Construction Management is for us all about building confidence. We understand that the benefits of construction management starts from professional procurement skills.

Construction management procurement is defined as being the art and manner of securing necessary goods and services with an eye to:

  •  Timeliness
  •  Acceptable quality (which varies considerably from one client to the next)
  • Respect of financial parameters (reasonable pricing)
  • Minimizing and mitigating risk
  • Effective communication and administration
  • And last but certainly not least, ensuring clients’ satisfaction by understanding their dreams.

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Procurement services

In sum we offer 3 types of procurement services:


Lump Sum Contracts

With lump sum contracts, the contract sum is determined before construction work is started. The price of Contracts ‘with quantities’ is based on drawings and firm bills of quantities. Without quantities’ means that a contract price is based on drawings and usually another document, such as a specification or work schedule

Measurement Contracts

The contract sum for measurement contracts is not finalized until completion of the project, where it is assessed on remeasurement to a previously agreed basis. This type of contract can arise where the works are to be carried out by the contractor cannot for good reason be accurately measured before tender. Normally the design will be reasonably complete and an accurate indication of quality will be available to the tenderer. The contract of this type with the least risk to the client is probably that based on drawings and approximate quantities. Measurement contracts can also be based on drawings and a schedule of rates or prices. A variant of this is the measured term contract under which individual works can be initiated by instructions as part of a programme of work, and priced according to rates related to the categories of work likely to form part of the programme.

Cost reimbursement Contracts

Sometimes referred to as ‘cost-plus’ or ‘prime cost’ contracts, these work on the basis that the sum is calculated from the actual costs of labour, plant and materials to which an amount is added to cover overheads and profit. The overhead and profit amount can be a fixed-sum, percentage, or some other reimbursement payment. This type of contract is only generally used where the circumstances of the project preclude other alternatives or where a partnering ethos is in place, as it can be a quite high risk for the client


We are responsible for all aspects of the logistics supply chain, stores management, development and optimization of site logistics solutions to meet the needs of your projects.

Our professional logistics specialits ensure that the construction project is fully aware of logistics activities in support of the build program.

In addition to keeping the construction programme on-schedule, We include other advantages of good logistics management :

  • Cost savings and waste reduction as productivity are enhanced.
  • Logistical planning on site enables materials to be stored correctly which improves efficiency and reduces the potential for damage.

  • Sites can be kept safe, clean and easy to move around.

  • Deliveries can be received and handled promptly.

For further information, please contact us by clicking here

Effective logistics management is important because it can enhance efficiency and productivity, having a positive overall impact on cost and time. For example, good logistics management ensures that the workforce can carry out required activities without delays caused by materials being delivered to the site.

Our logistics management involves the integration of these activities:

  1. Resource assessment.
  2. Lead time assessment
  3. Supply and demand planning
  4.  Sourcing and procurement
  5. Production planning and scheduling
  6. Inventory management and order fulfillment
  7. Inbound and outbound transport management.
  8. Warehousing.
  9. Materials handling.
  10. On site vehicle and plant management.
  11.  Customer services.
  12. Waste management.

Project Management, Engineering, Architecting

When we asked our staff to describe our culture and values, they developed our PEOPLE values.

Our goal in project management is to change the lives of people. We understand how construction engineering can impact the life of one city and its population.

​Creative Project provides a full range of architectural and engineering services, from initial concept to project completion. This includes schematic design, design development and construction documents.

​We offer design service in multiple disciplines including architecture, landscape architecture, planning, interiors and structural, mechanical and electrical engineering

​Our Project Bureau will use the principles of good interior design, high quality, and value for money to turn your design vision into a reality.

​We deliver projects successfully and increase profitability.

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